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SPEEDYMOTO LIMITED NICKEL 50mm Top Triple : Monster -w/o Risers

03-0205L - 03-0205L
Out of stock, contact us for availability
Availability: These are made in a very limited run.
Pricing: $349.99
The Speedymoto Limited line. A hand selected nickel coated line that includes titanium hardware.


The Speedymoto Limited version top triple clamps are a step up from the normal. These are a limited run.
Available in 50mm only.

If you want to remove your handlebars, but don't want to be stuck with the unattractive stock top triple, the SpeedyMoto top triple clamp refines the front end of your Monster when you swap out your handlebars for clip-ons.

Carved from a massive, 10 lb. piece of 6-series billet aluminum, the clamp is trimmed down to a lightweight triple that enhances the look of your bike, while offering extra benefits:

Strengthens the front end, by spreading the top clamping points of the forks further away from the lower clamps, reducing fork flex.
Maintains the steering lock mechanism for maximum security.
Cleans up the appearance of the front control area dramatically.
Includes new titanium hardware.