We've ridden enough motorcycles to know you should never have to choose between clothing that's comfortable or safe. Dainese protective equipment has been the best gear for racing or cruising since 1972 and will be your best riding partner whenever you head out. Their motorcycle apparel is worn by the world's top riders and is also trusted by weekend enthusiasts who want to look and feel good.

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More About DAINESE

The next time you need a Dainese women's leather jacket, street biker shoes or special riding gloves, visit We have also sorts of riding pants made of leather, textile or denim for different conditions. If you're a pro who needs to reduce drag, slide into a streamlined leather race suit. We also have Dainese metal shoulder protectors, knee sliders, back protectors and other safety inserts built to handle the high speeds and impacts of superbike racing.

Dainese will also help you represent your passion off the bike. Order their casual T-shirts, jeans and socks that have true Italian style. We even have long johns and other heated motorcycle gear along with luggage bags. You'll be dressed to the nines every time you head out in Dainese clothing that ships free on orders over $100.