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CORSE DYNAMICS Handlebar Clip-on Tube - 11 7/8 inches

CD-HB - CD-HB B-9.1 - B-9
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Pricing: $15.95

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Cost effective replacement clipon bar, constructed of T6 Aluminum tubing, CNC machined for a clean bur free finish, and plastic plugs installed for a complete look.

Heavy wall bar was used to reduce vibration, wishstand an impact, and hold up through a crash. Corse Dynamics tested several wall thickness throughout the 2011 AMA season and have found our production thickness to be ideal. We didn't snap a single bar all season with over 25 crashes between all of our racers. Every bar was returned with brending but held in one piece, this resulted in the clipon clamp being able to be reused everytime and the only necessary replacement being the handlebar tube.

Available in natural aluminum, black anodized, or hard anodized.

(Tube is 288.925mm long)


  • CD-HB - CD-HB B-9.1 - B-9
  • CD-HB
  • CD-HB B-9.1 - B-9
  • Corse Dynamics
  • Available
  • New


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.0 lbs.
  • W12.0000” x H1.0000” x L1.0000”

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